Tesla and its competitive EV ecosystem

One of the most polarizing communities that exist in the world of cars is the Tesla community. In terms of whether Tesla enthusiasts are able to lend their support to other manufacturers, is almost 50/50. Some aren’t willing to hear other companies out.

Though in one way or another, there is no overwhelming drive, one thing is for certain: Tesla supporters love Tesla. But a different story is whether they are able to commend another car manufacturer for developments that they might have made or cars that they intend to build.

Tesla was considered a car manufacturer for years that didn’t have a lot of promise. They didn’t have much cash. There were not many proven veterans of the automobile industry behind the engineering or supply chain of their automobiles, and they tried to persuade people that gas was inferior to electricity. This wasn’t an easy job in 2008. It was closer to impossible at the time.

Only a few people could afford Tesla’s Roadster, which was all apart of the plan so the company could pile up some funding for future projects. But on top of that, even if it was affordable, would people have bought it? Who knows.

But after Tesla began producing the Model S, people really started listening. Just two years earlier, people had invested their money in the company’s IPO, and the Model S was the sleek, fast, and beautiful car everybody wanted. But still, it was an uphill climb. It wasn’t much of a differentiation after the Model X came out; it was just the SUV version of an electric vehicle. The Model 3 came around, however, and persuaded many people around the world that Tesla was for real. It was a car that people could afford. Most of all, even though it was hell, Tesla proved that it could mass-produce a vehicle.

Slowly but surely, the doubters switched sides. They realized they had been all wrong about Tesla, but the early investors and the people who have believed in the company since the beginning weren’t having it. Who could blame them?

From the beginning, they believed in Tesla. They were the ones who knew that Elon Musk could lead the company into a new era, and they were right. There is a place where all of us will feel a little sympathy for them now that others are coming on board. When clarifying this scenario, hints of a bandwagon feeling come to mind.

I don’t really disagree with what the faithful fans of Tesla are doing. Since day 1, they have believed in Tesla, and now that it is the world’s most valuable car company and is profitable, there are many people on board, and that can not be very pleasant.

More fans, though, means more sales, which means that the stock price goes up. It means that instead of gas vehicles, there are more EVs on the road, and it means Tesla’s mission is coming true. Although the fandom can be chalked up to a “bandwagon feel,” some people might just want confirmation that Tesla was for real, and I can understand that as well.

For years, Tesla’s Day 1 has also had to contend with other car companies throwing stones in the path of Tesla. GM, Ford, all these companies weren’t interested in producing EVs. They would roll out one or two models, some of which would never even hit production lines. Then they would say Tesla’s business model was ludicrous or unsustainable. Now, from that “unsustainable” company, they draw inspiration.

Now that the electric mission is all about other car companies, they say their car is the “Tesla Killer.” They say that their batteries are going to be better, and their vehicles are going to be cheaper. The issue is that these companies continue to talk the talk, but not walk the walk. They still say how they’re going to be the next big thing, but considering car companies constantly postpone launches or fully do away with ventures, it seldom comes to fruition.

On the other hand, Elon has always been an open supporter of the development of more EVs by more car companies. It all helps, and I don’t think he’s ever taken any criticism very personally; I’d imagine he’s used it as an encouragement based on how things turned out. For always taking the high road and never being petty or displeasing towards a car company that has not helped him, I personally applaud him. I think it just added fuel to the fire for him and made him want that much more to achieve the Master Plan.

But if we all love Elon and support him and are thankful for what he’s done for the EV community, should we take his guidance and support other car companies for what they’re trying to do? Is it just a lost cause? What do you make of other car companies trying to release effective modes of electric transport?

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