While Musk does not authorize such projects himself, it does not deter people from dreaming of a different Tesla universe, often just to carry on with the legacy. This time, Tesla’s and Space X’s work has motivated exterior automotive designer Alex Baldini Imnadze to create a concept could be used on the moon.
What are we looking at? This concept is intended to be used exclusively for the transportation of SpaceX astronauts and equipment to and from work sites. It is an 18-wheeler transport vehicle, in this case, a 10-wheeler transport.
Since this dream vehicle is a two-part design, let’s talk about the cab-like structure first a little bit. We can see right off the bat that Imnadze was really looking forward to the future of such projects. It has a mere similarity to a semi.

If the word Tesla didn’t cover this thing, you’d think it was the next device to roam off-world planets. The only way we get brought down to Earth a little bit is by noticing the wheels.
But the wheels point to another feature of the Space Truck, in that it appears with very low ground clearance. This tells us that the vehicle will not be seen wandering around on highways or freeways, let alone alien terrains. The specification notes it can only be used on the premises of the facility and nowhere else. It could potentially be used to carry astronauts from SpaceX to keep them free of contamination while they are in transition to launch sites.
You can see the cockpit is lifted a little out of the frame and the vehicle entry is rendered through the slanting panels on the sides where the term ‘push’ is featured. The Space Truck’s front shows us no engine parts, just like most over-engine cabs, which leads us to assume all the drivetrain and other parts are found under the cab.

If ever built, it’s safe to say that this vehicle will most likely be electric. You can see a few places on the vehicle where you could find batteries, but that’s just imagination. However, it would be curious to know how the hitch mechanism operates, since there aren’t any traditional components. It might be magnetic.
Part two of the entire contraption is the trailer. This one looks very different from any teaser you have seen on Earth. Imagine solar panels on top to help power some of the functions but it’s at the rear that the trailer really breaks away from previous designs. A vertical hatch rises upwards to expose a wide space large enough to carry rocket components.
Even though it looks cool, sleek, and shiny, it’s hard to see why Tesla would be ready to jump the gun on this one, it might just be a bit impractical. But hey, you can always dream!
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