Tesla Model Y now undercuts rivals from Xpeng and NIO in China

The Tesla Model Y rose in China’s local SUV rankings this year, even when it was priced at a very notable premium against its local competitors. But now that Tesla China has implemented a round of price adjustments to the all-electric crossover, the Model Y’s domestic sales in the country would likely become even more impressive. 

Tesla China formally announced that it was lowering the prices of its domestically produced Model 3 sedan and Model Y crossover earlier this week. Following the price adjustments, the Model 3 and Model Y now start at CNY265,900 (US$36,476) and CNY288,900 (US$39,645) after subsidies, making them extremely compelling for consumers. 

But while Tesla China’s new prices for the locally-made Model 3 and Model Y could be seen as a way for the company to take advantage of the country’s subsidies, they could also be seen as a direct challenge to competitors. As noted by Chinese news outlet Sina, the Model Y’s starting price today means that the vehicle is now cheaper than homegrown rivals like the Xpeng G9 and NIO ES6. 

For context, the Xpeng G9 and NIO ES6 start at CNY309,900 and CNY386,000, respectively. 

The aggressive pricing of the Model Y in China suggests that the electric vehicle maker is not holding back this fourth quarter. Together with a revamped referral program, Tesla China’s adjusted prices for its vehicles hint at the company’s intention to sell as many electric cars as quickly as possible this fourth quarter. 

Such a strategy is likely needed, especially as Tesla needs to deliver a record number of vehicles worldwide to hit its 50% sales growth target for 2022. After all, if the Tesla Model Y could become one of China’s best-selling SUVs with its previous high price, then the vehicle would likely be able to compete even better in the local market with a more affordable price tag. 

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