Tesla Cybertruck production beta with black tonneau looks unreal in aerial footage

During Elon Musk’s remarks at the grand opening of Tesla’s Engineering HQ at Palo Alto, the CEO mentioned that the company has a number of Cybertruck pre-production prototypes that employees could check out. Images and videos from the event suggested that Musk was right, as at least two Cybertruck units were photographed at the event. 

And this weekend, some aerial footage of what seems to be the Cybertruck production beta was shared online. The footage featured the all-electric pickup truck driving around in what appears to be a parking area. Just as mentioned by Elon Musk several times in the past, the Cybertruck looks pretty unreal when it’s moving around. 

There are some interesting things that are noticeable in the recently sighted Cybertruck. Its angular side mirrors and dark wheels suggest that it is a production beta unit similar to a Cybertruck spotted in Palo Alto earlier this month. This time around, the all-electric pickup truck could be seen with its tonneau cover fully closed. The tonneau is even painted black, providing a pretty good contrast to the rest of the truck’s silver body. 

Also notable was the fact that the Cybertruck in the video seemed to have some issues with its wiring. This was hinted at in the fact that the all-electric pickup truck was driving around with only one headlight turned on. One of the Cybertrucks brought over to the Engineering HQ event — possibly the same truck seen in the aerial video — had some light issues as well, as only its rear left tail light was engaged. 

The Cybertruck’s first deliveries have been pushed back several times. Based on the latest statements from the company and observations of the vehicle, however, it appears that the first deliveries of the electric pickup truck are imminent. Unless there are any more holdups in the vehicle’s development, initial production of the Cybertruck could begin as early as summer, and thus, the first group of owners would most likely receive their all-electric pickup trucks by the end of the year.

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