California Accounted for One-Third of All U.S. BEV Sales in 2023

  • 🚗 California BEV sales accounted for over a third of total U.S. BEV sales in 2023.
  • 🔋 BEV market share in California reached 21.4%, while the U.S. market share was 7.5%.
  • 📉 ICE vehicles comprised 63.9% of new vehicle sales in California, showing a 7.7% decrease from the previous year.
  • 🏆 Toyota and Tesla were the top-selling auto brands in California, with Tesla dominating the BEV segment.
  • 📈 Tesla saw a 24.6% increase in BEV registrations in California from the previous year.
  • 🥇 Tesla’s Model Y and Model 3 were the top-selling BEVs and PHEVs in California.
  • 📅 California and other states plan to enact a sales ban on new gas cars starting in 2035, aiming for a 35% BEV market share by 2026 and 68% by 2030.

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the automotive industry towards more sustainable transportation options. One of the key players driving this change is California, which has emerged as a leader in the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). Let’s delve into the latest statistics and trends shaping California’s transition to a greener automotive landscape.

California’s Dominance in BEV Sales

California’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change has led to a surge in the adoption of battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) within the state. According to recent data, California BEV sales accounted for over a third of total U.S. BEV sales in 2023. This staggering statistic underscores the state’s pivotal role in driving the electric revolution.

BEV Market Share

With BEV market share in California reaching 21.4% compared to the U.S. market share of 7.5%, it’s evident that Californians are embracing electric vehicles at a much higher rate than the national average. This heightened awareness and acceptance of EVs are indicative of a broader cultural shift towards sustainable transportation solutions.

Decline of Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles

As California embraces cleaner transportation options, there has been a notable decline in the sale of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. In 2023, ICE vehicles comprised 63.9% of new vehicle sales in California, marking a 7.7% decrease from the previous year. This downward trend reflects a growing preference for eco-friendly alternatives among consumers.

Top-Selling Auto Brands

In the realm of auto brands, Toyota and Tesla emerged as the top sellers in California. However, it’s Tesla that truly dominates the BEV segment, with a commanding 24.6% increase in BEV registrations from the previous year. The success of Tesla underscores the growing demand for electric vehicles and the company’s commitment to innovation in sustainable transportation.

You can view the full California Auto Outlook from the CNCDA here.

Tesla’s Model Y and Model 3 Reign Supreme

Tesla’s Model Y and Model 3 secured the top spots as the best-selling BEVs and PHEVs in California. This achievement not only highlights the popularity of Tesla’s vehicles but also underscores the importance of offering diverse and appealing electric vehicle options to consumers.

A Vision for the Future

Looking ahead, California and other states are poised to enact ambitious policies aimed at accelerating the transition to electric vehicles. With a sales ban on new gas cars set to commence in 2035, California aims to achieve a 35% BEV market share by 2026 and an impressive 68% by 2030. These targets signal a bold commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship.


California’s leadership in the realm of electric vehicles serves as a beacon of hope for a more sustainable future. By prioritizing clean transportation solutions and implementing forward-thinking policies, California is paving the way for a greener, more eco-conscious automotive industry. As other states and nations follow suit, the electric revolution is poised to reshape the way we move and usher in a new era of sustainability.

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