The Low Cost Of Tesla Insurance & Maintenance Makes A Tesla Worth It

The low cost of Tesla Insurance and EV maintenance makes owning a Tesla worth it according to Gail Alfar’s new post on her blog, WhatsUp Tesla?

Gail writes, “If you absolutely have to own a vehicle, then there is no better choice right now than a Tesla.”

The three topics she discussed as a foundation for her above statement are the low cost of Tesla Insurance, the low cost of charging a Tesla, and the low cost of maintaining one. She also shared why she wrote her post — it was for her daughter and younger adults and teens who are just embarking on their journeys into adulthood and having to perform the rites of passage of buying a car. Gail wrote:

“A few nights ago, I signed up for Tesla insurance. I was really happy with the significant rate reduction Tesla gave me. My teenage kid was also happy. She explained to me that her friends are just starting out with jobs and their first cars. She told me they have constant car expenses, like insurance [big one], gasoline, and huge maintenance bills [one car needed a whole new engine]. She asked me to consider blogging in a “style that might help her friends believe they could afford a Tesla.”

Gail recently switched to Tesla Insurance from her old provider. For her, it costs less than $100 per month with the probability of a price decrease (or increase) based on her driving behavior. She was paying around $250 per month before switching to Tesla Insurance. I’ve written before about Tesla Insurance customers sharing how their premiums decreased from the Tesla offering.

“I thought I had a good rate until I experienced the kindness of Tesla.

“Old fashioned style insurance companies cannot compete with the low price of Tesla Insurance. The antiquated way is to charge you more based on your age instead of your ability to drive carefully.”

Regarding her blog post and Tesla Insurance, Gail told me that from what she’s observed, Elon Musk doesn’t believe in pouring money into advertising. I think that’s something we all are aware of, and it makes the most sense for Tesla.

“He believes in putting money into making the best product possible. Tesla Insurance is not going to be marketed to people with clever ads. When a company does this, you can tell they’re not putting all their efforts into providing the best insurance possible when they’re putting millions of dollars into advertising.

“I really believe that word-of-mouth is the best advertising. That’s why I wrote the blog post. That’s why my daughter is telling her friends about Tesla and their insurance.”

She added that the main point was that, unlike other insurance companies, Tesla doesn’t price your premiums based on your age but on the ability to drive safely.

“The main point is Tesla does not discriminate based on your age, you can be a young person struggling and starting out, and the insurance is going to cost the same as a person who is much older. The insurance cost is based on your ability to drive safely. It’s so wonderful that Tesla does this for young people especially.”

Maintenance was also a key topic for this post and Gail noted that her electric motor requires no maintenance. She also said that owning her Tesla is less expensive than owning a traditional internal combustion engine vehicle, and this is important because your vehicle is one of the most important purchases you will ever make.

You can read Gail’s full post here. Currently, Tesla has its insurance available in Texas, California, Arizona, Illinois, and Ohio, with Virginia and Oregon coming soon.

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