Tesla Q1 sales in Norway could more than double nearest competitor

Tesla sales in Norway are on track to dramatically outperform the brand’s nearest competitor in the region, Volkswagen.

In recent months, Tesla has dramatically grown its marketshare in Europe, despite the significant number of competing offerings from traditional brands VW Group, Renault, Stellantis, and countless others. Now, the scope of that success is being seen in greater detail in Norway, where Tesla is on track to outperform rivals by a massive margin.

This impressive sales trend was first noticed by JPR007 on Twitter, and the graph of sales shows a considerable lead for the American EV brand.

According to the data on the graph, Tesla is nearing 7,000 registrations in Norway alone, which is quite considerable, considering the automaker sold only just over 19,000 in all of Europe during February.

This sales success in Scandinavia follows the introduction of an all-new test drive pilot that Tesla has launched in Europe, likely to help potential customers get more comfortable with the products in the easiest way possible.

Perhaps even more interesting than the apparent sales success that Tesla is likely to report at the end of Q1 of this year, is the exponential growth of sales, indicating the brand has still yet to conquer its reliance on the “end-of-quarter-push.” And while this technique seems to be working currently, the brand is undoubtedly putting itself under unnecessary stress instead of aiming to produce a more consistent stream of vehicles.

This wave of deliveries is being seen consistently throughout Europe, resulting in some delivery locations becoming overwhelmed as Tesla delivers hundreds of vehicles at once.

Across the pond in the United States, it remains unclear if the company is finding the same success. While Tesla’s reported dominance of the luxury segment in the country is certainly a good indicator, it is less obvious how the company is performing against newer EV rivals who are finally beginning to establish significant amounts of production. Specifically, Ford is finally on track to produce hundreds of thousands of EVs within just its second year on the market, while Hyundai/Kia is working tirelessly to establish EV production at a new facility in Georgia.

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