Tesla owners looking for love can now join a dating network exclusively for ‘like-minded Elon stans’

Tesla stans, rejoice — there may soon be a dating app where you can pursue like-minded car owners who are also obsessed with their electric vehicles and CEO Elon Musk.

An app called Tesla Dating is currently in the works, made exclusively for verified Tesla owners. The app’s set-up is akin to that of Tinder or Bumble, except the only people that appear on the app are fellow Tesla cult followers.

The app is the work of Ajitpal Grewal, a self-described “ecommerce entrepreneur” and Tesla stan living in Canada. Grewal told Business Insider he decided to create the app after realizing Tesla owners only wanted to talk about one thing: how much they love their Teslas.

“It became a big part of their identity, and they shared a lot of the same values, like wanting to reduce their impact on the environment, stanning Elon Musk, or appreciating high tech,” Grewal said in an email. “Suddenly it hit me, these people would be perfect for each other.”

Tesla Dating is still in the “early stages” of development, but Grewal has launched a website where interested users can sign up for early access to “an exclusive community of like-minded Elon stans.” Since the website went live Wednesday, more than 160 people have signed up for the waiting list, Grewal said.

Grewal’s app idea capitalizes on the loyal following built up around Tesla and Musk, its CEO. Tesla owners are known for making sure everyone else knows they own — and unequivocally love — one of the electric vehicles, the cheapest model of which starts at $38,000. However, fans of Elon Musk are even more fervent: They worship the billionaire’s prolific and controversial Twitter presence, and slam journalists and critics who write anything online negative about him.

To make a profile on the Tesla Dating app, users will be required to verify they actually own a Tesla, Grewal said. Grewal told Business Insider he plans to do this by asking users to submit a picture of themselves inside their Tesla. 

Users will be able to specify on their dating profiles their car’s model and configuration, and will have potential matches sorted by those whose car characteristics most closely align with theirs.

“I believe your car tells a lot about you as a person,” Grewal told Business Insider.

Original Publication by Paige Leskin at Business Insider.

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