Tesla dashcam captures best of humanity as Model X owner, other drivers, protect woman ejected from car

The universe can at times be exhausting. A look at news stories around the world would suggest that there are a ton of things wrong in the world. Every so often, though, something happens that restores one’s faith in humanity. Although far in between, these instances prove that, in the end, there is always good in the world.

One such instance involved a Tesla Model X owner from New Jersey. Tristan (last name withheld), a Model X owner, was driving on the Garden State Parkway in Branford, New Jersey, as shared on the Teslacam-dedicated YouTube channel Wham Baam Teslacam, when he noticed vehicles before him suddenly swerving to avoid a wrecked vehicle and a “object” on the road. Some of the cars swerved so abruptly that they overturned.

Upon driving closer, Tristan was surprised to find that a woman lying in the middle of the road was the “object” the other vehicles were swerving to avoid. What actually happened was unclear, but it certainly looked as though the woman had been thrown from her Mitsubishi Outlander as the car crashed into the road barrier. The Tesla owner, seeing this sight, jumped into action.

The Tesla owner waved at approaching vehicles to slow down after blocking the woman with his Model X and activating the all-electric SUV’s hazard lights. Other vehicles did so, forming a blockade of sorts before the scene of the accident. The owner of the Tesla then left his Model X and examined the woman, who turned out to be a nurse. She had a fractured arm and a broken leg, but luckily, when Tristan called 911, she was still conscious.

Then something unusual occurred. The drivers who lost control while they were avoiding the woman decided to reverse back to the crash site. These included a county officer from the union, who immediately helped guide traffic around the accident scene. Not long after, a doctor with a first aid kit stopped and examined the woman, and a pickup truck driver who was an off-duty medical technician also stopped to help out. At one point, and as other emergency personnel arrived, the off-duty medical technician even helped direct the other EMTs arrived on the site.

The owner of Model X noted that he was only just talking to the wounded nurse for the most part, holding her hand, and trying to keep her as calm as possible. The Tesla owner noted that he does not consider himself a hero, explaining the incident later, as he only did what he wished anyone would do for him if he ever found himself in a similar situation. That being said, the drivers’ unspoken, almost collective effort at the scene of the accident is admirable. The owner of the Model X, the union county officer, and the off-duty EMT might not consider what they did admirable, but it shows that there is ultimately good in people. And sometimes, this good thing turns up when it’s most needed.

Watch Wham Baam Teslacam’s feature on the Model X owner’s experience in the video here.

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