The Boring Company starts registrations for its 2022-Not-a-Boring Competition

The Boring Company (TBC) recently announced the commencement of its 2022-2023 Not-a-Boring Competition. TBC invited teams to sign up and register for the upcoming competition via its Twitter account. 

The Not-a-Boring Competition challenges teams to think of tunneling solutions and find ways to beat TBC’s ultimate rival: Gary the Snail. The Boring Company upped the ante in the 2022-2023 competition, promising twists and turns for the contestants.

Teams will compete in four categories during the competition. Each category is listed below in order of priority. 

  • Fastest to complete the tunnel
  • Innovative design, build, and/or test
  • Most accurate tunnel
  • Tightest turn

The 2022-2023 Not-a-Boring Competition starts with application submission, which TBC already kicked off through an announcement on Twitter. Application submissions will be closed on March 1, 2022. Student and non-student teams are eligible for the competition.  

Student-led teams must have a faculty adviser. Not-a-Boring Competition teams may consist of students or members from multiple schools or companies. TBC did not place a minimum or a maximum number of members for the team but notes that it should remain “within reason.”

TBC will screen the teams who applied for the competition, basing their eligibility on the abovementioned requirements. Teams who pass the screening will receive additional information, including the requirements for the first assessment. 

Not-a-Boring Competition teams will have to pass two assessment rounds successfully to get to Competition Week. The first assessment is set for October 2022, and the second will take place in November 2022. Competition Week is scheduled for January 2023. 

The Boring Company will share additional details as the competition progresses. The teams who pass the assessment rounds will compete to win awards based on the four categories mentioned earlier at TBC’s manufacturing and testing facility in Texas. 

In 2021, 12 teams advanced to Competition Week out of nearly 400 applicants. The last Not-a-Boring Competition was held in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 12, 2021. The five award winners for the first annual Not-a-Boring Competition are listed below.

  • Team Safety: UMD Loop
  • Fastest Launch Design: The Diggeridoos
  • Innovation and Design: Swissloop Tunneling
  • Best Guidance System: TUM Boring
  • Overall Winner: TUM Boring

Read the 2022 Not-a-Boring Competition abbreviated rule book below!

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