Tesla Gigafactory Nevada hosts students from Carson City school

Students from Pioneer Academy in Carson City, Nevada, recently got the opportunity to witness the operations of one of the world’s most advanced battery production facilities. During their trip to Tesla Gigafactory Nevada, the students were able to learn about educational and career opportunities related to the sustainability movement. 

Over two dozen students from Pioneer Academy participated in the trip. The event was organized by Envirolution, a nonprofit dedicated to developing youth leadership and community outreach programs focused on sustainability and energy efficiency. The nonprofit also works to help the youth in their career development. 

The students certainly experienced Giga Nevada during their trip. As per the Carson City School District, the Pioneer Academy students rode in one of the charter buses used to transport Tesla employees to the facility. The students were also acquainted with Giga Nevada’s 20-plus-foot “living wall” that features numerous plants. 

The students were then given an introduction and overview of the different products being built in Giga Nevada, such as the electric motors used for the Model 3 sedan. The group was then acquainted with Tesla’s vision for the future and the company’s plans for the coming years. Following this, the students were split into two groups, with one group getting a tour of the Giga Nevada plant and the other speaking with Tesla employees. 

Apart from the plant tour, the students participated in a hands-on activity that involved the construction of miniature motors using a battery, a magnet, and a coil of wire. The students generally enjoyed the trip, with one stating that it would be great to “marry science.” Kristin Steinkraus, a teacher at Pioneer Academy, noted that the trip was very productive and eye-opening for the students. 

“The field trip to the Tesla Gigafactory was an eye-opening experience for the students. They were able to witness first-hand the cutting-edge technology and sustainability practices that are shaping the future of energy and transportation. The visit was an excellent opportunity for the students to learn about the importance of innovation and sustainability, and it has inspired them to consider careers in these fields. The students asked great questions, and several are seriously considering careers at the factory after graduation,” Steinkraus said.  

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