Blue Origin’s Recent FAA Filing: A Move to Regulate SpaceX Launches

  • ๐Ÿข Blue Origin has filed a public comment asking the FAA to limit SpaceX launches.
  • ๐Ÿš€ The request targets the number of Starship Super Heavy launches at Kennedy Space Center.
  • โš–๏ธ The filing is part of a proposed Environmental Impact Statement by the FAA.
  • ๐ŸŒ Blue Origin suggests capping launch activities to minimize local environmental and community impact.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ They also recommend expanding launch infrastructure to reduce road closures.
  • ๐Ÿ† This filing follows previous legal actions, including a 2021 lawsuit over a lunar contract awarded to SpaceX.
  • ๐Ÿ“œ Blue Origin eventually received the Human Landing System contract last year.

In the ever-dramatic commercial space race, Blue Origin has once again set its sights on rival SpaceX. This time, the company founded by Jeff Bezos is taking action through regulatory channels. In a recent public comment, Blue Origin has requested the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to limit the number of SpaceX Starship Super Heavy (Ss-SH) launches from Kennedy Space Center. Let’s delve into the details of this filing, its implications, and its broader context within the commercial space industry.

The Filing: What’s It About?

Blue Origin’s recent action isn’t just about limiting competition; it raises several important issues about the sustainability and impact of rapid commercial space activities.

Key Points of the Filing:

  1. Request for Limiting Launches:
    • Blue Origin is asking the FAA to cap the number of Ss-SH launches, landings, and other operations including test firings, transport operations, and fueling at Kennedy Space Center.
  2. Environmental and Community Impact:
    • The filing emphasizes the need to consider the local environment, the health and safety of operational personnel, and the well-being of the local community. The company suggests that operations should be limited to levels that minimize risks and impacts, such as air toxin dispersion and noise pollution.
  3. Infrastructure Expansion:
    • In a bid to mitigate road closures during SpaceX launches, Blue Origin recommends expanding launch infrastructure so that other lessees also have access to launch pads and facilities.

Background and Context

The Environmental Impact Statement

This request comes as a part of the FAA’s ongoing preparation of a Proposed Action Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). An EIS is a crucial document that evaluates the potential environmental effects of a proposed federal action, in this case, the rate and procedures of SpaceX launches.

Historical Precedents

This isn’t Blue Origin’s first legal maneuver against SpaceX. In 2021, Blue Origin sued NASA for awarding its lunar lander contract solely to SpaceX. The U.S. Court of Federal Claims dismissed this suit, but Blue Origin’s persistent legal actions paid off when it was granted the Human Landing System (HLS) contract the following year.

Broader Implications

The filing by Blue Origin could have significant industry-wide implications.

For SpaceX

Limiting the number of launches could potentially slow SpaceX’s aggressive timeline for achieving its space exploration goals, including its plans for Mars colonization. Given the numerous Starship iterations and test launches required, this could be a considerable setback.

For Blue Origin

Should the FAA adopt Blue Origin’s recommendations, it could provide a more level playing field in the space race by reducing the perceived dominance of SpaceX. It also showcases Blue Origin’s commitment to responsible and sustainable space activities.

For Other Stakeholders

  • Environmentalists: Blue Origin’s concerns about minimizing environmental impacts resonate with long-standing calls for responsible space exploration practices.
  • Local Communities: Residents near Kennedy Space Center may welcome the prospect of reduced noise, fewer road closures, and less environmental risk.

Looking Ahead

While it’s unclear what decision the FAA will ultimately make, this filing marks another chapter in the ongoing rivalry between Blue Origin and SpaceX. The tension underscores critical discussions about the pace of commercial space activities and their broader implications.

Expert Opinions and Recommendations

Based on the latest developments, here are some insights and recommendations for various stakeholders:

For Regulators

  • Balanced Decisions: Regulators like the FAA should seek a balance between encouraging commercial space activities and ensuring these pursuits are sustainable and safe.
  • Engagement with Experts: Engaging environmental scientists, local community leaders, and industry experts could help in formulating more nuanced policies.

For Space Companies

  • Collaboration Over Competition: While competition drives innovation, there may be room for collaboration on issues like infrastructure development and environmental monitoring.
  • Proactive Measures: Space companies should consider taking proactive steps in environmental conservation and community engagement to preempt regulatory actions.

For the Public

  • Stay Informed: Awareness and understanding of the implications of commercial space activities can help in participating in public discourse.
  • Participate: Public comments and civic participation can influence policy decisions affecting local communities and environmental health.


Blue Origin’s recent FAA filing reflects the dynamic and competitive nature of the commercial space industry. As the space race heats up, balancing innovation with responsibility will be critical. Whether you’re a space enthusiast, environmentalist, or industry stakeholder, these developments are worth keeping an eye on.

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