Enhancing Safety and Collaboration: Tesla and the Evolution of EV Supercharger Extension Cords

  • 🔌 An EV accessory maker has reached out to Tesla to ensure their Supercharger extension cords meet safety standards.
  • ⚠️ Tesla’s engineer warns of potential risks, like overheating, when using aftermarket extension cords at Superchargers.
  • 🌡️ Safety issues arise from a lack of temperature measurement in extension cord designs.
  • 🤝 A2Z EV/EVSE, the accessory maker, is open to collaborating with Tesla to address safety concerns.
  • 🛡️ The accessory maker emphasizes that their products will undergo safety tests before release.
  • 🧑‍🔧 Tesla has a history of working with aftermarket accessory makers, like their earlier agreement with EVject.
  • 💬 Tesla is open to collaborating with OEMs to develop safe EV accessories and aligning on safety standards.

In the ever-evolving landscape of electric vehicles (EVs), safety and innovation are paramount. Tesla, a pioneer in the EV industry, continues to set benchmarks not only through its cutting-edge vehicles but also in the accessories that support them. A recent development in the realm of EV accessories highlights the proactive steps being taken by an EV accessory manufacturer to ensure their Supercharger extension cords meet and exceed Tesla’s stringent safety standards. This collaborative spirit not only underscores the importance of safety but also demonstrates how companies can work together towards a common goal.

Emphasizing Safety: A Crucial Dialogue

Recent conversations between an EV accessory maker, A2Z EV/EVSE, and Tesla illustrate an ongoing commitment to safety. As part of their initiative, A2Z EV/EVSE has reached out to Tesla to ensure their Supercharger extension cords align with the electric vehicle maker’s safety standards. This dialogue was catalyzed by comments from Tesla’s lead engineer for the Cybertruck, Wes Morrill, who warned of the potential dangers associated with using aftermarket extension cords at Supercharging stations.

Key Safety Concerns: Understanding the Risks

Morrill’s warnings focused on several key risks, primarily the issue of overheating. He noted that aftermarket extension cords could compromise safety because they lack integrated temperature measurement systems that are standard in Tesla equipment. This lack of real-time temperature monitoring could result in cords overheating and potentially shorting out, posing a risk not only to vehicles but also to the infrastructure.

A2Z EV/EVSE: Commitment to Safety and Collaboration

In response to Morrill’s insights, A2Z EV/EVSE has expressed a strong willingness to engage directly with Tesla and address these safety concerns. They have emphasized that their products will be thoroughly tested for safety before being introduced to consumers. By being open to dialogue and collaboration, A2Z EV/EVSE demonstrates an understanding of the significant responsibility they hold in the EV ecosystem.

The Path Forward: Prioritizing Safety Standards

  1. Collaborative Development: A2Z EV/EVSE’s approach highlights a trend towards more collaborative relationships between OEMs and aftermarket accessory makers. By working together, these entities can develop safer, more reliable products that enhance consumer trust and satisfaction.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with regulatory safety standards is critical. By aligning their products with established safety protocols, companies can mitigate risks and help set new standards in the EV accessory market.
  3. Consumer Education: Educating consumers about the potential risks of using improper equipment and the importance of relying on certified products is essential. This education can prevent accidents and promote safer, more informed use of EV infrastructure.

Tesla’s Collaborative Legacy: Learning from Experience

Tesla’s history of working with accessory makers exemplifies their commitment to safety and innovation. Earlier collaborations, such as the agreement with EVject over their “Escape Connector,” demonstrate that Tesla is open to engaging with external developers to enhance their product offerings. This open-minded approach fosters innovation while maintaining a high safety threshold.

Looking Ahead: Industry-Wide Implications

Tesla’s willingness to work with OEMs and accessory makers to develop safe EV accessories signals a broader industry trend. As the demand for electric vehicles continues to grow, so does the need for aftermarket products that complement this expanding market. By setting a precedent for collaboration and safety, Tesla and its partners can pave the way for a future where EVs and their accessories are not only advanced but also universally safe and reliable.


The dialogue between A2Z EV/EVSE and Tesla illustrates a proactive approach to safety in the world of electric vehicles. By prioritizing collaboration and adhering to stringent safety standards, both companies underscore the importance of consumer safety and quality assurance in today’s rapidly growing EV market. As these partnerships continue to evolve, they may serve as a blueprint for future innovations and safety enhancements in the world of EV accessories.

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