Reflecting on the Remarkable SpaceX Starship Integrated Flight Test 2

  • 🚀 SpaceX shared imagery from the 2nd flight of Starship, capturing views from launch to hot staging of Ship 25 and Booster 9.
  • 🌅 Ship 25 and Booster 9 launched flawlessly with 33 Raptor engines, with Booster 9 executing a 2-minute and 43-second burn.
  • 📸 SpaceX showcased stunning images of Starship’s launch, highlighting the power of the 33 Raptors and the success of the hot stage maneuver.
  • 📷 Photographers like John Kraus, Adam Bernstein, and Jack Beyer also captured impressive shots of the historic flight in South Texas.

SpaceX has begun sharing some of the amazing imagery they captured during the 2nd flight of Starship. They captured awesome views from the launch tower to the hot staging of Ship 25 and Booster 9, and we’ll take a look at them all.

Just a quick recap. Ship 25 and Booster 9 launched on Saturday, November 18th, at 8:02 AM CT. All 33 Raptor engines roared to life and built to full thrust as Starship thundered away from the orbital launch mount.

Booster 9 performed flawlessly during its approximate 2-minute and 43-second burn to then shut down 30 engines as Ship 25 performed a perfect hot stage to propel itself on the way to space. Ship 25 6 Raptor engines continued to burn until just over 8 minutes after liftoff when the automated flight termination system destroyed the rocket.

In hours and days after launch, SpaceX then began sharing some of the views they were able to capture of the historic flight.

Starship launching from Starbase just after sunrise in slow motion, where you can clearly see the shockwaves moving through the exhaust plume.

33 Raptor engines ignite on Booster 9 (Credit: SpaceX)

The raw power of the 33 Raptors was visible in this imagery as nonstop shockwaves moved through the exhaust plume. The launch pad held up incredibly well this time around with the addition of the deluge system.

With Booster 9 being done with its primary portion of the flight, the hot stage maneuver began. This is the first time SpaceX has ever attempted this, and it worked perfectly. Each of the center three sea-level Raptor engines was gimbaled out to aim their exhaust through the vents of the hot stage ring and prevent major damage to Booster 9.

Ship 25 performs the hot stage maneuver (Credit: SpaceX)

SpaceX wasn’t the only one to capture amazing imagery. Here are just a few from photographers who made the trek to South Texas.

Amazing work from John KrausAdam Bernstein, and Jack Beyer, amongst many others. If you have a chance, check out more of their and others’ work on X!

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